South West Rocks Running Festival


Start line: Trial Bay Goal, Arakoon

All distances have the same start and finish routes.

  • 5km race turn around is near Wainabar Ave.
  • 10km race turnaround is on Horseshoe Bay headland.
  • 10 plus – if you finish your 10km leg before 8.00am you will need to wait for the beginning of the 5km race to continue the next leg of your race.
  • Half marathon is one lap of the course.
  • Marathon consists of 1 21.1km lap followed by 2 10.55km laps.

All races return by bush trail ‘Terrace Lane’ which means returning down Cardwell St for approximately 250m before veering left on the trail to finish area.

All races start at Camp Kitchen area and proceed from the start line on the right hand side of the road and run on the road till the corner of Cardwell St and Phillip Drive.

​Turn right onto Phillip drive and run along this path on left hand side.

  • 5km runners turn around back to finish near Wainabar Ave
  • 10km runners turn around Horseshoe Bay Headland back to finish area
  • Half and Full Marathon runners continue on, turning right onto paved path between caravan park and beach.

Follow this onto elevated walkway, through Back Creek area turning right into Figtree lane for 200m before taking trails behind Ingenia Holidays caravan park to concrete path then onto the road before turning right onto Gordon Young Drive for 150m, then right again onto concrete path to Tahlee close.

There is a small section of Gordon Young Drive and is the ONLY sections that you run on the right hand side of the road.

Left into Quarry Street then right into New Entrance Rd. This is a CLOSED ROAD and run on left hand side till turn around near Salt.

From here remain on left side of the road before veering left onto the breakwall path for 400m then right onto dirt road to new Entrance Rd. Turn Left here and proceed back to Trial Bay retracing your steps.

Upon return at Trial Bay grab a drink and complete 2 loops of the course spanning from Trial Bay and Buchanan Drive Car Park

​All runners must follow course signage and directions, slower runners must keep left and faster runners MUST call PASSING ON the RIGHT as they approach.

Half Marathon

Start line: Trial Bay Goal, Arakoon

All distances have the same start and finish routes.

  • 5km race turn around is near Wainabar Ave.
  • 10km race turnaround is on Horseshoe Bay headland.
  • 10 plus –  if you finish your 10km leg before 8.00am you will need to wait for the beginning of the 5km race to continue the next leg of your race.
  • Half marathon is one lap of the course.
  • Marathon is 2 laps of the course.

All races return by bush trail ‘Terrace Lane’ which means returning down Cardwell St for approximately 250m before veering left on the trail to finish area.

All races start at Camp Kitchen area and proceed from the start line on the right hand side of the road and run on the road till the corner of Cardwell St and Phillip Drive.

This is a small section of Gordon Young Drive and is the ONLY sections that you run on the right hand side of the road.

​Turn right onto Phillip drive and run along this path on left hand side.

  • 5km runners turn around back to finish near Wainabar Ave
  • 10km runners turn around Horseshoe Bay Headland back to finish area
  • Half and Full Marathon runners continue on, turning right onto paved path between caravan park and beach.

Follow this onto elevated walkway, through Back Creek area turning right into Figtree lane for 200m before taking trails behind Ingenia Holidays caravan park to concrete path then onto the road before turning right onto Gordon Young Drive for 150m, then right again onto concrete path to Tahlee close.

Left into Quarry Street then right into New Entrance Rd. This is a CLOSED ROAD and run on left hand side till turn around near Salt.

From here remain on left side of the road before veering left onto the breakwall path for 400m then right onto dirt road to new Entrance Rd. Turn Left here and proceed back to finish area. Marathon runners will go past finish and commence their second lap.

All runners must follow course signage and directions, slower runners must keep left and faster runners MUST call PASSING ON the RIGHT as they approach.

10km Run

  • 10km runners turn around Horseshoe Bay Headland back to finish area

5km Fun Run

  • 5km runners turn around back to finish near Wainabar Ave

3km Kids Fun Run